
She was deposited in my lap on the Autumnal Equinox, and I did not want a kitten, but she was very determined that THIS WAS HER HOME.

I looked at her birth certificate—her birthday was the same as mine—I was stuck with her.

She never grew very large but that did not stop her she THOUGHT she was huge and intimidating and the truth is she was bigger than life.

She looked for mom and found our wolf, Saxon, instead. Saxon with the typical maternal instincts of wolves assumed Eek to be a weird cub and raised her as her own. Eek never got over her species identification issues.

The two were bonded until the day Saxon died.

Demanding, determined, and fearless, Eek did not like, and pretended not to understand the word no. She was always underfoot and determined to be part of any activity and at every party.

She had a great night last night and when she collapsed this morning and went for her last trip to the vet, she was more than twenty-two-years-old.

Such a little creature, and such a huge personality, she now lies next to Saxon.

I am glad they are back together, and I miss her. I miss them both.


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